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     Dark Horse's beginner kids Krav Maga program introduces students to the fundamentals of self-defense - proper stance, movement, basic blocks, strikes (including elbows and knees), how to fall and roll safely, defense against a standing opponent while on the ground, and introduction to grappling as well as a broader focus on awareness, physical fitness, and non-violent conflict resolution.  This roughly six month course will prepare students for the more demanding curriculum of the advanced class.
     The advanced program builds on skills learned in the Beginner's class, and includes a wider variety of strikes and defenses, more in-depth grappling involving strikes, joint locks, and chokes.  Sparring with protective gear is also a mainstay, all closely supervised for student safety.  Both programs put together will produce stronger, more resilient and confident young men and women, better equipped to handle life's challenges.

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Dark Horse's adult curriculum focuses on the necessary principles of fighting - proper stance and posture, distance control, power generation, clinch-fighting, takedown methods and takedown defense, grappling on the ground both with and without strikes.  Other styles of Krav Maga have strict mandates about never taking fights to the ground, but the hard truth is that choice  may be made for you, and directions like "don't go to the ground" are of little value if you are taken down (or trip) and an aggressive attacker ends up on top of you. At Dark Horse we spend equal time training stand-up and ground fighting.  A deeper toolbox is handy in a wider variety of sitautions.

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